7LI 6LI(N,G) E=THERMAL: {~EGAF} 7LI c Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF). 7LI2c Evaluated by R.B. Firestone (LBNL), December 2003. 7LI c BR$|s{-0}=0.039 {I3} (1981MuZQ) 7LI c BR$|s{-0}=0.053 {I2} 7LI cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=7.59 4 7LI N 13.18 7 7LI PN C 7LI2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 7LI cN NR$Isotopic |s(|g)=NR*RI. 7LI2cN Divide by |s{-0} for intensity per neutron capture. 7LI L 0.0 3/2- STABLE 7LI L 477.612 31/2- 73 FS 2 7LI G 477.595 3 0.00153 8 7LI L 7249.94 41/2+,3/2+ 7LI G 6768.81 4 0.00151 9 7LI G 7245.91 40.00247 14 7LI 6LI(N,G) E=THERMAL:^BUDAPEST 7LI c Budapest Reactor data measured with thermal beam. 7LI cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=7.59 4 7LI N 13.3 4 7LI PN C 7LI2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 7LI L 0.0 3/2- 7LI L 477.60 4 1/2- 7LI G 477.58 4 0.00155 9 7LI L 7250.67 21 7LI G 6769.5 3 0.0015012 7LI G 7246.7 3 0.0024 3 7LI 6LI(N,G) E=THERMAL: ^L^A^N^L 1967TH05,1969RA10 7LI c The intensities of the gamma rays from the capture of 7LIAc thermal neutrons by 6Li are the adopted ones of Kok et al. (1985) 7LIBc [1985Ko47] and are weighted means of their measurements and those by 7LICc Thomas et al. (1967) [1967Th05]. The energies of the gamma rays were 7LIDc calculated, with recoil corrections, from the energies of the capture 7LIEc state and the 477.595 keV level taken from Ajzenberg-Selove (1988) 7LIFc [1988Aj01]. The data are good. 7LI N 1.0 7LI PN C 7LI2PN Per 100 neutron captures. 7LI L 0.0 3/2- 7LI L 477.61 7/2- 7LI G 477.59 38.000 7LI L 7249.96 7LI G 6768.84 38.000 7LI G 7245.94 62.000