73GE 72GE(N,G) E=THERMAL: {~EGAF} 73GE c Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF). 73GE2c Evaluated by R.B. Firestone (LBNL), December 2003. 73GE c BR$|s{-0}=0.98 9 (1981MuZQ) 73GE cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=27.54 34 73GE N 3.631 4 73GE PN C 73GE2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 73GE cN NR$Isotopic |s(|g)=NR*RI. 73GE2cN Divide by |s{-0} for intensity per neutron capture. 73GE L 0.0 9/2+ 73GE L 13.271 185/2+ 73GE G 13.271 18 0.00005 1 73GE L 66.78 51/2- 0.499 S 11 73GE G 53.440 9 73GE L 68.750 17(7/2)+ 73GE G 55.47 4 0.007 5 73GE G 68.750 17 0.0201 7 73GE L 353.73 5(5/2)- 73GE G 284.98 5 0.0164 7 73GE L 364.19 53/2- 73GE G 297.41 3 0.0414 12 73GE L 392.53 63/2- 73GE G 325.74 3 0.0649 18 73GE L 501.61 55/2+ 73GE G 432.86 5 0.0125 6 73GE L 555.05 51/2+ 73GE G 488.27 4 0.0091 6 73GE G 541.77 4 0.0154 6 73GE L 597.92 95/2-,7/2- 73GE G 233.72 7 0.0048 4 73GE G 531.13 8 0.0043 13 73GE L 915.62 193/2+,5/2+ 73GE G 561.88 20 73GE G 915.61 19 73GE L 931.95 6 73GE G 430.34 5 0.0161 7 73GE L 1042.81 113/2- 73GE G 650.28 10 0.0049 4 73GE G 678.61 10 0.0048 6 73GE L 1132.08 81/2- 73GE G 739.55 6 0.0106 5 73GE G 767.88 7 0.0012 3 73GE G 1065.29 7 0.0019 8 73GE L 1264.59 71/2-,3/2- 73GE G 1251.30 7 0.032 9 73GE G 1264.58 7 73GE L 1339.97 11+ 73GE G 784.91 10 0.0049 6 73GE G 975.77 11 0.0055 8 73GE L 1386.9 91/2-,3/2- 73GE G 1386.9 9 73GE L 1544.6 9 73GE G 1544.6 9 73GE L 1892.2 3 73GE G 1892.2 3 73GE L 2132.2 91/2-,3/2- 73GE G 2132.1 9 73GE L 2188.9 91/2-,3/2- 73GE G 2188.8 9 73GE L 2209.4 6 73GE G 2209.3 6 73GE L 2291.0 12 73GE G 2291.0 12 73GE L 2401.8 12 73GE G 2401.8 12 73GE L 2419.5 12 73GE G 2419.5 12 73GE L 2481.3 101/2-,3/2- 73GE G 2481.2 10 73GE L 2565.0 111/2-,3/2- 73GE G 2565.0 11 73GE L 2705.0 4 73GE G 2705.0 4 73GE L 2718.0 4 73GE G 2717.9 4 73GE L 2775.0 12 73GE G 2774.9 12 73GE L 2883.5 5 73GE G 2883.4 5 73GE L 2930.6 12 73GE G 2930.5 12 73GE L 6783.12 61/2+ 73GE G 3852.4 12 0.0015 4 73GE G 3899.5 5 0.0040 12 73GE G 4008.0 12 0.0024 7 73GE G 4065.0 4 0.0047 9 73GE G 4078.0 4 0.0050 9 73GE G 4218.0 11 0.0038 11 73GE G 4301.7 10 0.0013 4 73GE G 4363.5 12 0.0021 6 73GE G 4381.2 12 0.0015 4 73GE G 4492.0 12 0.0016 5 73GE G 4573.6 6 0.0021 7 73GE G 4594.1 9 0.0018 5 73GE G 4650.8 9 0.0018 5 73GE G 4890.7 3 0.0028 11 73GE G 5238.3 9 0.0015 4 73GE G 5396.0 9 0.0010 3 73GE G 5518.30 4 0.0290 17 73GE G 5650.80 6 0.0115 12 73GE G 5740.07 10 0.0151 15 73GE G 5850.91 6 0.0063 10 73GE G 5867.24 19 0.0034 15 73GE G 6227.78 5 0.0029 9 73GE G 6390.29 5 0.0299 19 73GE G 6418.62 4 0.0178 15 73GE G 6716.00 4 0.0160 15 73GE 72GE(N,G) E=THERMAL:^BUDAPEST 73GE c Budapest Reactor data measured with thermal beam. 73GE cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=27.54 34 73GE N 3.615 4 73GE PN C 73GE2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 73GE L 0.0 9/2+ 73GE L 13.27 45/2+ 73GE G 13.27 4 73GE L 66.68 61/2- 0.499 S 11 73GE G 53.31 5 0.0103 6 73GE L 68.80 3(7/2)+ 73GE G 68.80 3 0.0201 7 73GE L 353.79 5(5/2)- 73GE G 284.99 4 0.0164 7 73GE L 364.08 63/2- 73GE G 297.42 3 0.041412 73GE L 392.44 63/2- 73GE G 325.74 3 0.064918 73GE L 498.80 167/2+ 73GE G 485.5316 0.0025 5 73GE L 501.69 55/2+ 73GE G 432.89 4 0.0125 6 73GE L 555.01 51/2+ 73GE G 488.22 5 0.0091 6 73GE G 541.80 4 0.0154 6 73GE L 597.82 95/2-,7/2- 73GE G 233.74 6 0.0048 4 73GE L 915.49 243/2+,5/2+ 73GE L 932.06 6 73GE G 430.37 4 0.0161 7 73GE L 1042.88 83/2- 73GE G 650.39 5 0.0049 4 73GE G 679.1514 0.0048 6 73GE L 1132.07 91/2- 73GE G 739.62 7 0.0106 5 73GE G 1064.9 4 0.0019 8 73GE L 1264.7 3 73GE L 1339.95 10+ 73GE G 784.8411 0.0049 6 73GE G 976.0014 0.0055 8 73GE L 1386.9 111/2-,3/2- 73GE G 1386.911 73GE L 1544.6 11 73GE G 1544.611 73GE L 1892.1 4 73GE G 1892.1 4 73GE L 2132.1 111/2-,3/2- 73GE G 2132.111 73GE L 2188.8 111/2-,3/2- 73GE G 2188.811 73GE L 2208.8 6 73GE L 2704.7 4 73GE L 2717.8 3 73GE L 2883.2 5 73GE L 6783.02 131/2+ 73GE G 3899.7 5 0.004012 73GE G 4065.1 3 0.0047 9 73GE G 4078.2 4 0.0050 9 73GE G 4574.2 7 0.0021 7 73GE G 5518.1 3 0.029017 73GE G 5650.4 3 0.011512 73GE G 5740.1 3 0.015115 73GE G 5850.9 4 0.006310 73GE G 6228.0 6 0.0029 9 73GE G 6389.8 3 0.029919 73GE G 6418.3 3 0.017815 73GE G 6717.2 4 0.016015 73GE 72GE(N,G) E=THERMAL: ^L^A^N^L 1969MA31,1969RA10 73GE c The isotope 72Ge captures about 11.5% of the thermal 73GEAc neutrons captured by natural germanium. For the energies and 73GEBc intensities of the gamma rays with energies above 4890 keV emitted by 73GECc the capture of thermal neutrons by 72Ge, I adopted the results of 73GEDc Islam et al. (1991) [1991Is01]. For most gamma rays with energies less 73GEEc than 2000 keV, I adopted the intensities of Weishaupt and Rabenstein 73GEFc (1972) [1972We10] multiplied by a factor of 2.0. Gamma rays not in 73GEGc Islam et al. (1991) or Weishaupt and Rabenstein (1972) were taken from 73GEHc Groshev et al. (1972) [1972Gr34], with their intensities multiplied by 73GEIc a factor of 2.0. 73GE c Except for the results using Islam et al. (1991), these 73GEAc intensities are usually 2.0 times those adopted by King and Chou 73GEBc (1993) [1993Ki25], who adopted the intensities of Groshev et al. 73GECc (1972), which were based on intensities for 73Ge(n,gamma)74Ge of 73GEDc Magruder and Smither (1969) [1969Ma34]. As discussed by Islam et al. 73GEEc (1991), all gamma-ray intensities for Ge isotopes based on Magruder 73GEFc and Smither are too low. The intensities adopted here are consistent 73GEGc with the measurements using natural germanium of Rasmussen et al. 73GEHc (1969) [1969Ra10]. 73GE c These adopted intensities are higher than those of gamma 73GEAc rays above 5550 keV of Barchuk et al. (1970) [1970Ba]. They are 73GEBc generally consistent with 0.35 times the results of Hasselgren (1972) 73GECc [1972Ha74]. 73GE c Most gamma-ray energies are probably not much better than 73GEAc ~1 keV. They generally agree with the level assignments and level 73GEBc energies of King and Chou (1993) to ~1 keV or better. The intensities 73GECc of the high-energy gamma rays of Islam et al. (1991) are reported to 73GEDc be good to about 10%. I would estimate that most other intensities 73GEEc have uncertainties of ~25-50%. The set is not complete, missing about 73GEFc 43% of the total energy and about half of the gamma rays from the 73GEGc capture level. The sum into the ground state is only 7.6%, although 73GEHc the sum of gamma rays into the 0, 13.27, and 66.72 levels being 71%. 73GEIc The sums into and out of various levels usually do not agree well. 73GE N 1.0 73GE PN C 73GE2PN Per 100 neutron captures. 73GE G 203.90 1.900 73GE G 253.01 24.120 73GE G 316.90 1.800 73GE G 431.40 8.600 73GE G 474.00 5.300 73GE G 528.40 2.340 73GE G 632.20 2.400 73GE G 763.30 3.500 73GE G 3140.80 1.560 73GE G 3334.50 1.040 73GE G 3520.30 0.480 73GE G 3651.60 0.560 73GE G 3704.40 0.640 73GE G 3789.90 0.880 73GE L 0.0 9/2+ 73GE L 13.27 5/2+ 73GE L 66.72 1/2- 73GE L 68.75 7/2+ 73GE G 68.84 7.601 73GE L 353.56 5/2- 73GE G 284.70 5.340 73GE L 364.02 3/2- 73GE G 297.24 14.880 73GE L 392.45 3/2- 73GE G 326.00 28.499 73GE L 499.11 7/2+ 73GE G 488.00 1.800 73GE L 501.45 5/2+ 73GE L 554.91 1/2+ 73GE G 541.80 3.000 73GE L 597.62 (7/2-) 73GE G 233.60 1.440 73GE L 659.00 9/2+ 73GE L 741.70 7/2- 73GE L 809.00 (7/2-) 73GE L 825.77 13/2+ 73GE L 868.04 11/2+ 73GE L 894.10 (3/2-) 73GE L 915.50 (5/2-) 73GE G 560.30 2.980 73GE L 931.70 73GE L 993.70 73GE L 1043.17 3/2- 73GE G 650.20 3.800 73GE G 679.30 1.200 73GE L 1130.50 9/2- 73GE G 739.40 3.620 73GE G 769.90 0.521 73GE L 1131.86 1/2- 73GE L 1264.40 (3/2-) 73GE G 1250.10 13.800 73GE L 1339.90 73GE G 784.70 1.920 73GE G 975.90 2.100 73GE L 1386.10 (3/2-) 73GE L 1525.60 11/2- 73GE L 1544.70 73GE L 1610.24 9/2+ 73GE L 1871.57 17/2+ 73GE L 1892.10 73GE L 2004.10 13/2- 73GE L 2132.70 (3/2-) 73GE L 2189.40 (3/2-) 73GE L 2210.70 73GE L 2291.00 73GE L 2401.80 73GE L 2419.50 73GE L 2483.90 (3/2-) 73GE L 2565.30 (3/2-) 73GE L 2706.40 73GE L 2720.70 73GE L 2775.00 73GE L 2884.60 73GE L 2930.60 73GE L 6782.94 73GE G 3852.40 0.660 73GE G 3898.40 1.700 73GE G 4008.00 1.040 73GE G 4062.30 1.720 73GE G 4076.60 1.800 73GE G 4217.90 1.660 73GE G 4299.30 0.580 73GE G 4363.50 0.900 73GE G 4381.20 0.660 73GE G 4492.00 0.700 73GE G 4572.30 0.520 73GE G 4594.00 0.800 73GE G 4650.70 0.780 73GE G 4890.71 0.620 73GE G 5238.30 0.640 73GE G 5395.90 0.420 73GE G 5518.30 9.350 73GE G 5650.86 4.140 73GE G 5740.21 4.820 73GE G 5850.97 2.210 73GE G 5867.12 0.750 73GE G 6227.89 1.540 73GE G 6390.17 10.520 73GE G 6418.60 4.800 73GE G 6717.00 1.430