49CA 48CA(N,G) E=THERMAL: {~EGAF} 49CA c Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF). 49CA2c Evaluated by R.B. Firestone (LBNL), December 2003. 49CA c BR$|s{-0}=1.09 {I14} (1981MuZQ) 49CA cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=0.187 21 49CA N 535 60 49CA PN C 49CA2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 49CA cN NR$Isotopic |s(|g)=NR*RI. 49CA2cN Divide by |s{-0} for intensity per neutron capture. 49CA L 0.0 3/2- 49CA L 2023.08 181/2- 49CA G 2023.04 18 2.5E-04 5 49CA L 5146.48 211/2+ 49CA G 3123.29 230.00050 10 49CA G 5146.19 210.00147 20 49CA 48CA(N,G) E=THERMAL:^BUDAPEST 49CA c Budapest Reactor data measured with thermal beam. 49CA cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=0.187 21 49CA N 535 60 49CA PN C 49CA2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 49CA L 0.0 3/2- 49CA L 2023.06 241/2- 49CA L 5146.38 241/2+ 49CA G 3123.4 3 0.0005115 49CA G 5145.9 3 0.0014623 49CA 48CA(N,G) E=THERMAL: ^L^A^N^L 1969ARZT,1995BU23,1996BE53 49CA c The evaluation for Ca-48(n,g) is an average the 2 main data 49CAAc sets: Arnell et al. (1969) [1969ArZT] and Beer et al. (1996) 49CABc [1996Be53]. (I normalized Beer's data to 100% - they had 74+-3% and 49CACc 23+-1% for primary transitions, and added the other, secondary, gamma 49CADc ray.) The data look very good. 49CA N 1.0 49CA PN C 49CA2PN Per 100 neutron captures. 49CA L 0.0 3/2+ 49CA L 2023.20 1/2- 49CA G 2023.20 24.500 49CA L 3351.00 9/2- 49CA L 3585.00 5/2- 49CA L 3861.00 (3/2-) 49CA L 3991.00 5/2- 49CA L 4072.00 3/2- 49CA L 4272.00 1/2- 49CA L 4416.00 5/2- 49CA L 5146.60 1/2 49CA G 3123.30 24.500 49CA G 5146.60 75.500