23NE 22NE(N,G) E=THERMAL: {~EGAF} 23NE c Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF). 23NE2c Evaluated by R.B. Firestone (LBNL), December 2003. 23NE c BR$|s{-0}=0.045 6 (1981MUZQ) 23NE cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=9.25 3 23NE N 10.81 4 23NE PN C 23NE2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 23NE cN NR$Isotopic |s(|g)=NR*RI. 23NE2cN Divide by |s{-0} for intensity per neutron capture. 23NE L 0.0 5/2+ 37.24 S 12 23NE L 1016.97 171/2+ 178 PS 10 23NE G 1017.0 2 0.0030 5 23NE L 1822.5 2 23NE G 1822.4 2 0.00052 5 S 23NE L 3220.66 163/2- 70 FS LT 23NE G 1398.1 3 9E-54 S 23NE G 2203.58 6 0.0023823 23NE G 3220.4216 0.0005723 23NE L 3836.38 231/2- 70 FS LT 23NE G 2013.8 4 0.00040 5 S 23NE G 2819.2216 0.00052 5 23NE L 5200.64 171/2+ 23NE G 1364.8 3 0.0009112 S 23NE G 1979.89 6 0.0030617 23NE G 4183.2025 1.2E-45 23NE 22NE(N,G) E=THERMAL: ^L^A^N^L 1968JO09,1970SE14 23NE c For the capture of thermal neutrons by Ne-22 (which 23NEAc captures about 10% of the thermal neutrons captured by natural neon), 23NEBc the adopted energies are based on the level energies given by Endt 23NECc (1990) [1990En08]. For intensities of stronger gamma rays with 23NEDc energies above 1979 keV, the data of Prestwich et al. (1986) 23NEEc [1986Pr05] were adopted. For intensities of gamma rays below 1979 keV 23NEFc and weaker gamma rays above 2000 keV, those confirmed by an intensity 23NEGc balance by Selin (1970) [1970Se14] were adopted and his relative 23NEHc intensities normalized by 0.77 to be consistent with the intensities 23NEIc of Prestwich et al. (1986) for the two strongest gamma rays (1980 and 23NEJc 2204 keV). These data are generally consistent with those of Bellmann 23NEKc (1971) [1971Be34] and Jonsson et al. (1967) [1967Jo09]. 23NE c The data set is not complete, mainly missing gamma rays 23NEAc from the capture state plus some gamma rays into or out of a few 23NEBc levels. The adopted energies are probably good to better than ~0.5 keV 23NECc as the level energies of Endt (1990) used here are generally reported 23NEDc to be good to a few tenths of a keV. The intensities of Prestwich et 23NEEc al. (1986) are reported to have errors of ~10%. Selin (1970) did not 23NEFc give any uncertainties. I estimate the uncertainties in the adopted 23NEGc intensities to be ~10% for the stronger gamma rays (10 gamma rays per 23NEHc 100 captures) and more for weaker gamma rays. 23NE N 1.0 23NE PN C 23NE2PN Per 100 neutron captures. 23NE G 594.80 11.000 23NE G 768.50 17.000 23NE G 4425.60 2.000 23NE L 0.0 5/2+ 23NE L 1017.00 1/2+ 23NE G 1016.98 75.000 23NE L 1701.51 7/2 23NE L 1822.50 3/2+ 23NE G 1822.42 17.000 23NE L 2315.10 5/2+ 23NE L 2517.00 7/2+ 23NE G 2516.85 1.000 23NE L 3220.66 3/2- 23NE G 1398.11 10.500 23NE G 2203.55 49.001 23NE G 3220.42 8.000 23NE L 3431.80 3/2+ 23NE G 3431.53 1.000 23NE L 3458.20 23NE L 3830.90 23NE L 3836.40 1/2- 23NE G 2013.81 6.500 23NE G 2819.21 9.000 23NE L 3843.30 23NE L 3988.20 5/2+ 23NE L 4436.00 23NE G 1918.91 10.000 23NE G 2613.34 1.000 23NE G 3418.73 1.000 23NE L 4756.00 23NE G 1535.29 8.000 23NE G 2933.30 2.000 23NE G 4755.47 2.000 23NE L 5200.60 23NE G 444.60 11.000 23NE G 1364.16 12.500 23NE G 1979.85 54.003 23NE G 3377.83 1.500 23NE G 4183.19 2.000