17O 16O(N,G) E=THERMAL: {~EGAF} 17O c Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF). 17O 2c Evaluated by R.B. Firestone (LBNL), December 2003. 17O c BR$|s{-0}=0.000190 {I19} (1981MuZQ) 17O c BR$|s{-0}=0.000189 {I8} 17O cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=99.757 16 17O N 1.00239 15 17O PN C 17O 2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 17O cN NR$Isotopic |s(|g)=NR*RI. 17O 2cN Divide by |s{-0} for intensity per neutron capture. 17O L 0.0 5/2+ STABLE 17O L 870.71 61/2+ 179.2 PS 18 17O G 870.68 61.77E-4 11 17O L 3055.28 91/2- 0.08 PS +6-4 17O G 2184.42 71.64E-4 7 17O L 4143.06 101/2+ 17O G 1087.75 61.58E-4 7 17O G 3272.02 83.53E-5 23 17O 16O(N,G) E=THERMAL:^BUDAPEST 17O c Budapest Reactor data measured with thermal beam. 17O cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=99.757 16 17O N 1.00239 15 17O PN C 17O 2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 17O L 0.0 5/2+ 17O L 870.70 3 1/2+ 179.2 PS 18 17O G 870.68 31.75E-0411 17O L 3055.27 5 1/2- 0.08 PS +6-4 17O G 2184.38 41.75E-0411 17O L 4143.04 5 1/2+ 17O G 1087.71 31.51E-04 9 17O G 3272.11 73.53E-0525 17O 16O(N,G) E=THERMAL: ^L^A^N^L 1977MC05,1993TI07 17O c For energies of the gamma rays made by thermal-neutron 17O Ac capture with 16O, I used the level energies in Tilley et al. (1993) 17O Bc [1993Ti07]. For the gamma-ray intensities, I used McDonald et al. 17O Cc (1977) [1977Mc05]. The absolute error in the intensities is about +-3% 17O Dc (e.g., 18+-3%). Tilley et al. (1993) accepted these gamma-ray 17O Ec intensities and their errors. The set is complete. 17O N 1.0 17O PN C 17O 2PN Per 100 neutron captures. 17O L 0.0 5/2+ 17O L 870.73 1/2+ 17O G 870.71 100.000 17O L 3055.36 1/2- 17O G 2184.48 82.000 17O L 3842.80 5/2- 17O L 4143.33 1/2+ 17O G 1087.93 82.000 17O G 3272.26 18.000