14C 13C(N,G) E=THERMAL: {~EGAF} 14C c Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF). 14C 2c Evaluated by R.B. Firestone (LBNL), December 2003. 14C c BR$|s{-0}=0.00137 {I4} (1981MuZQ) 14C cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=1.07 8 14C N 93.5 70 14C PN C 14C 2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 14C cN NR$Isotopic |s(|g)=NR*RI. 14C 2cN Divide by |s{-0} for intensity per neutron capture. 14C L 0.0 0+ 5730 Y 40 14C L 6093.88 171- 7 FS LT 14C G 6092.46 172.12E-06 9 14C L 6589.60 220+ 3.0 FS 4 14C G 495.71 171.04E-06 5 14C G 6587.93 22 14C L 6902.73 210- 25 FS 3 14C G 808.82 15 4.7E-07 3 14C L 8176.61 180-,1- 14C G 1273.82 13 6.4E-07 9 14C G 1586.91 141.10E-06 6 14C G 2082.56 13 3.2E-07 5 14C G 8174.04 181.09E-05 6 14C 13C(N,G) E=THERMAL:^BUDAPEST 14C c Budapest Reactor data measured with thermal beam. 14C cG RI$Elemental |s(|g) assuming %Abundance=1.07 8 14C N 90.9 25 14C PN C 14C 2PN Thermal cross section in barns. 14C L 0.0 0+ 14C L 6094.28 16 1- 7 FS LT 14C G 6092.4 22.12E-0611 14C L 6590.50 16 0+ 3.0 PS 4 14C G 495.4 31.04E-06 6 14C L 6903.22 21 0- 25 FS 3 14C G 808.9 2 4.7E-07 5 14C L 8177.20 18 0-,1- 14C G 1273.9 2 6.4E-0713 14C G 1586.8 21.10E-06 7 14C G 2082.6 3 3.2E-07 7 14C G 8174.2 41.09E-0524 14C 13C(N,G) E=THERMAL: ^L^A^N^L 1967TH05,1982MU14 14C c The intensities and energies of the gamma rays for the 14C Ac capture of thermal neutrons by 13C are those of Mughabghab et al. 14C Bc (1982) [1982Mu14]. The intensities of the two major gamma-ray lines 14C Cc are consistent with those of Thomas et al. (1967) [1967Th05]. The 14C Dc uncertainties of the gamma-ray energies except that at 8173.92 are 14C Ec given as +-0.2 keV. The uncertainties of the intensities are about 14C Fc 3-10% of the reported intensities. The set appears complete. 14C N 1.0 14C PN C 14C 2PN Per 100 neutron captures. 14C L 0.0 0+ 14C L 6093.80 1- 14C G 6092.40 16.300 14C L 6589.40 0+ 14C G 495.40 8.000 14C L 6728.20 3- 14C L 6902.60 0- 14C G 808.90 3.600 14C L 8176.44 14C G 1273.90 4.900 14C G 1586.80 8.500 14C G 2082.60 2.500 14C G 8173.92 84.000